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Even though this is the amiibo gear set, i think it has some good pieces for Ballpoint to take advantage of. thermal ink can be useful on Ballpoint for tracking enemies that escape your range and communicating positions to your team it's an ability not many splatlings use but i've used on and off as far back as 2017 on heavy, and Ballpoint is even better suuted to thr now buffed version of thermal ink. The ink saver main is useful when staying in long range mode for extended times with constant recharging, however some people opt for ink recovery due to beakons which if not trying to make this gear work i recommend, but both are useful and work plenty well. The run speed amount i use here is slightly less than many will recommend generally, however the recent nerfs have made run speed less prominent for the weapon and with the weapon Being so good at badr mobility it only really needs a main of it in my opinion. Main power up makes shots more lethal, and with this amount you get 99.9 damage (keep in mind you need 1 main 2 subs to actually maximize one shot damage, just the difference is smaller than .1 damage, this can make falloff slightly less lethal than it could be, adding an extra shot of damage needed, however with falloff if you are going to get a kill it is very unlikely your opponent doesn't take damage from the ink being laid around them and give you the extra damage anyways so 5 subs is perfectly acceptable in my opinion). The other single sub abilities are really just the standard batch of strong abilities for 1 sub, with ink res making dumb 99.9 damage completions from mpu less likely to occur, special saver having a hug initial effect for 1 sub, and quick super jump being the same, which is even more valuable for a backliner that should be most likely to jump away from bad situations.

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