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目測來說喜歡狂丟副武的稍不錯選擇 可拿來打 Area

Head 的配置是因為品牌容易出 ink recovery,0.1 的 ink saver(sub) 也只需要合10碎片

Clothes 1.1可增加距離,放 ink saver(sub) 和 special saver 是因為品牌不好練就塞一些常用的

Shoes 則是我本身就有 1.2的 ink saver(sub) 預計再加上一個碎片合上去的 ink recovery 即可直接用

一個 ink recovery 可以換成 bomb defense up,但如果這套給 H3D 玩的話有墨盔就可補足

所需 :
20 ink saver(sub)
10 special saver 或 sub power up,可以看先出哪個就另一個用碎片

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I can speak Chinese and English, if you can only speak Japanese, you can also contact with me but I will reply in English. (我主要會的語言是中文和英文,也能用日文與我溝通,但回覆會用英文) I am collecting the clothes which have Comeback, Quick Response, Stealth Jump, Ink saver(sub) ability. If you have the clothes that on my [I want] list and you want something that I have, I am glad to switch with you. You can deliver message by Twitter. (Using pm is better than tag.)

