小綠 ガチエリア、或是偏好 副武型的小綠

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Ability & Feature :
Comeback : 小槍 (shoter)
Sub ink saver 1.3 : 丟副武為主架構,有事沒事亂丟
Special Saver 0.2 : 前線容易死,讓飛機不會很常白白犧牲
Special Power UP 0.2 : 開飛機必備 0.2
Ink resistance 0.1 : 現今版本,安全鞋很重要,甚至可以再多放一點

可視情況改 Sub ink saver 1.2 + 0.1 Sub ability up
或是 安全鞋多放一點
或是 游速多放一點

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I can speak Chinese and English, if you can only speak Japanese, you can also contact with me but I will reply in English. (我主要會的語言是中文和英文,也能用日文與我溝通,但回覆會用英文) I am collecting the clothes which have Comeback, Quick Response, Stealth Jump, Ink saver(sub) ability. If you have the clothes that on my [I want] list and you want something that I have, I am glad to switch with you. You can deliver message by Twitter. (Using pm is better than tag.)

